What is Circling?

A transformational relational technology.

Circling is a powerful interpersonal meditation practice, in which mindful awareness is brought to the experience of being ourselves in connection with others.

It is a practice of authentic relating, embodied presence, and radical being with – allowing and opening to the fullness of what is here within and between us.

You need not show up in any particular way, and there is no goal other than opening more skilfully and truthfully to what is here. In other words, you will be met – and encouraged to meet yourself – exactly as you are, where you are.

From this place, a wide range of experiences can emerge both individually and as a group, including authentic self-leadership, embodied intuition, and collective intelligence.

Circling can have similar benefits to meditation, coaching and therapy, but is a distinct practice.

For instance, it is not a practice of silence or stillness, unlike some common types of meditation; and is not goal-oriented, unlike some common therapeutic and coaching modalities.

What are the benefits of Circling?

The simple practice of being authentically present with self and other often leads to powerful experiences of insight and personal growth. Participants are often deeply touched by the authenticity and openness of the space. Longer-term practitioners frequently experience profound shifts in their connection to self, other and life; and in their ability to live from surrender and aliveness.

Thousands of people across the globe have experienced, through Circling:

- A deeper contact with themselves, others, and life

- More self-awareness, including an ability to contact subtler layers of experience

- A deeper trust in experience, including the non-rational

- A growing presence and surrender in daily life

- Refined relational skills: an ability to own experience, navigate conflict more skilfully, name boundaries, communicate with vulnerability

- More access to purpose, direction and aliveness

- More authenticity, an awareness of masks and defences

- Integration of shadow and relational blind-spots

- More access to curiosity, wonder and mystery in connection

- More easeful integration of and grounding in spiritual experience

- Rapid acceleration of personal growth and development

For many, Circling is a crucible and developmental accelerator. But it's not for everyone. The practice can also be confronting and challenging, and may reveal deep-seated relational patterns or struggles. You can reach out to us if you're unsure if the practice is for you. 

Want more?

Circling Europe Co-Founder John Thompson speaks about the practice here: 

Come see for yourself...

Circling can be described in many different ways, but is best experienced. Find an event near you or online to see for yourself...